Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Genesis Of An Independent Life.

I'm feeling a sense of re-creation and self-discovery.
This morning, as I listen to Incubus' "Nice To Know You"....
I stare at myself in the mirror.

I see myself letting go of who I had become in the last few months.
I have not been me. I have been someone else.
Someone who was caught up in guilt and depression.

I find myself letting go of all the people who have, I can only guess, subconsciously hurt me.
I realize that through everything, I am my own best friend...when no one else will be
I finally recognize that I can be independent of others. I don't have to beg for friendship.

I am done trying to please others.
I'm growing up and getting over it.
There is no more confusion.
No more sadness. No more jealousy. No more pain.
Once I let go, those feelings faded away.

The possibilities of what I can become are endless.
This is who I am....
And if no one else on this Earth can understand that, then at least I will know that I do.

I will choose happiness.
I will choose life.
I will choose me.

I will not let others to choose for me.
I will not be controlled by my emotions.
I will not be held back or restrained.

I choose to LOVE me.